08/17/2015 Our new homepage "z-profession" is now online!
z-werkzeugbau is able to look back on a long and successful apprentice tradition!
05/11/2015 z-prototyping at the roll-out of the new Racing Car
z-prototyping sponsored the TUG Racing Team with intake manifolds and the prototype for the steering wheel
05/08/2015 z-prototyping at the 2nd Austrian 3D-Printing Forum
Lecture by managing director Alexander Kainrath "Stereolithography – the most precise 3D-printing method”
03/30/2015 z-moulds was the eye-catcher at NPE 2015, March 23rd-27th 2015
z-moulds collaborated with machine supplier Ferromatik Milacron at the NPE 2015
03/19/2015 New Company Building – Construction project has started
We are looking forward to our new company building at the industrial estate Dornbirn North.