06/22/2022 z-moulds inc. based in Atlanta, USA is founded!

We would like to thank our customers in America for the great business developments over the years!


06/22/2022 z-werkzeugbau becomes Z-GROUP

Successfully into the future!


06/17/2022 Tethered Caps: Design, Produce and Inspect!

You want to learn more about tethered caps?


10/25/2019 The K-Fair 2019: A great success for z-moulds®

K, the leading global trade Fair for the plastics and rubber industry brought together around 3.300 exhibitors from more than 63 nations, offering the...


07/04/2019 z-werkzeugbau dedicates an industry award and presents it as part of the Maturavalet of the HTL

The award is given to Dominik Hoch as a deserving personality. He is a successful high school graduate in the mechanical engineering/automation...
